

Questions require answers.
Good questions deserve clear answers.
hirn® can deliver those answers.

hirn® is not just the German word for brain. It stands for
our custom data analysis product - Data Analysis as a Service (DAaaS).
And since we live and breathe data, we not only deliver answers,
but present them in the best possible way.

Your data is so worth it!




So what shall it be? A little, a fair amount, or a lot of brain?
Our brains or hirn® deliver just what you need.
It's simply a perfect fit. Easy, too!

Your individual data analysis is just 2 small steps away:
Step 1) Select the brain (hirn®) for you.
Step 2) Submit your data.
Step 3) There is no step three. We will take care of the rest.

Your data is in the best of hands!
Read up about our stance on Data und Ethics.


a little


Perfect for the quick analysis of a smaller amount of data.
Provide your data as an excel or text file, and of course
the question you need answered.

We will put our thinking caps on and get right onto it.
Pure hirn® analysis power! As a result, we will deliver
a report, as well as slides and charts.

up to 3 GB of Data
fixed price 5'000 CHF


a bit more


Actually, you need more than a little brain power?
Then how about a fair amount of it?
Our medium-sized product should do the trick.

Submit your data (excel or text file), as well as what you would like to know.
We will get right on it and deliver the results in form of a report, slides and charts.
Neat, right? And at that price, practically a steal.

up to 9 GB of Data
fixed price 11'000 CHF


a lot of


You have more data? You need more answers?
A little or a fair amount just won't do?No problem!
A lot of brain power it is.

Submit your data (excel or text file), as well as what you would like to know.
We will get right on it and deliver the results in form of a report, slides and charts.
Big brains for small prices. Awesome!

up to 15 GB of Data
fixed price 16'500 CHF


a select


You are looking for something else?
A custom analysis? We get it.
And we are prepared for you.

Anything you could possibly want from
automated datacollection, data generation, interactive
dashboards, machine learning to custom data visualization.

Tell us what you want, and request your
bespoke data analysis today. Get in touch!


A Size Comparison of hirn®

a little hirn®
5'000 CHF
// fixed price, excl. VAT
≤ 3 GB Data
Excel or Text
detailled report
slide deck and charts
made in Switzerland
click for hirn®!
a bit more hirn®
11'000 CHF
// fixed price, excl. VAT
≤ 9 GB Data
Excel or Text
detailled report
slide deck and charts
made in Switzerland
click for hirn®!
a lot of hirn®
16'500 CHF
// fixed price, excl. VAT
≤ 15 GB Data
Excel or Text
detailled report
slide deck and charts
made in Switzerland
click for hirn®!
a select hirn®
upon request
// also available as fixed price
unlimited Data
any data type
tailored analysis
slide deck and charts
made in Switzerland
inquire today!
Still unsure? Visit our FAQ or gain more insights on Data and Ethics.
triniqua Symbol - black
the brains behind hirn®

triniqua AG
Bridelstrasse 37
3008 Bern